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Artikel seputar HR dan Karyawan


Temukan berbagai inspirasi, artikel, tips dan informasi seputar dunia HR (Human Resource), Karyawan dan Payroll. Dapatkan juga solusi terbaik untuk management HR bersama Appsensi

Kategori: Company Goals

Company Goals - Januari 8, 2023

8 Target Bisnis Yang Menjadi Fokus Pada Q1 2023

Menghadapi akhir tahun 2022, para pemimpin bisnis mulai mempersiapkan awal tahun 2023 dengan berfokus pada tujuan atau target bisnis yang akan membawa kesuksesan Perusahaan. Dari memperluas penjualan secara online hingga meningkatkan budaya perusahaan, pemberi kerja harus memanfaatkan pengalaman masa lalu mereka untuk menetapkan tujuan dan harapan agar organisasi tetap berkembang di Kuartal 1 (Q1) dan […]

Business Insight - April 20, 2022

Understanding Types of Growth Strategy and How To Develop It

A business will increase in level by using stairs, not by elevator. Each ladder rung indicates the challenges that you must overcome in order to advance to the next level. One wrong step will make you have to start again from the beginning. Each ladder rung represents your company’s growth and your path to success. […]

Business Insight - April 18, 2022

Descriptions of Strategic Human Resource Management

Strategic Human Resource Management, also known as strategic HRM, is the practice of attracting, developing, rewarding, and retaining employees for both employees’ benefits as individuals and the organization’s benefits as a whole.  It is the process of using HR techniques, including training, recruitment, compensation, and employee relations to make a stronger organization, which is also […]

Business Insight - April 14, 2022

Tips For The Best Onboarding Process for Your Company

The onboarding process is a must-experience comprehensive training and learning process for new employees. It is the process where a new employee is initiated into an organization, which starts from the recruitment and hiring process and stretches over the course of the individual’s first year.  During the onboarding process, new hires were expected to be […]

Business Insight - Maret 31, 2022

How to Create the Perfect Business Development Strategy

Any company that wants to expand should make business development a major focus. There are a variety of strategies for effective business development, and some may perform better than others based on your company and its objectives. In this article, we’ll look at how to develop a strategy and plan that may drive a person, […]