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Artikel seputar HR dan Karyawan


Temukan berbagai inspirasi, artikel, tips dan informasi seputar dunia HR (Human Resource), Karyawan dan Payroll. Dapatkan juga solusi terbaik untuk management HR bersama Appsensi

Kategori: Business Insight

Business Insight - Maret 30, 2022

Learn the Steps to Achieve Your Company Goals Here!

Goals and objectives serve as a foundation for a successful company since they explain the business’s purpose and aid in the identification of essential activities. Goals are broad assertions of what you want to achieve, whereas goals are the precise stages or actions you take to get there. Both goals and objectives should be quantifiable […]

Business Insight - Maret 29, 2022

The Definition and Importance of Company Culture

Most people focus on concrete, surface-level benefits, and standards when thinking about company culture and employee engagement: dress code, and framed mission statement in the lobby. Though these are extensions of culture and have an influence on engagement, they do not define or generate it. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for developing company culture […]