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11 Game Ice Breaking Seru Agar Kerja Makin SemangatEmployee Management - Desember 28, 2022
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Kategori: Business Insight
Business Insight - April 1, 2022
Market Research 101: The Ultimate Guide for Your Business
Do you want to figure out why your customers aren’t buying your products? Do you want to present a new product, service, or even a marketing campaign to your consumers but aren’t sure what they want? If the answer to those questions is yes, then the only way to accomplish them is to ask your […]
Business Strategy - Maret 21, 2022
Knowing About Competitive Advantage for Your Business
Competitive advantage refers to a factor that allows the company to produce services or products that are more affordable or of better quality than your competitors. Competitive advantage is very important for companies. By having a competitive advantage, companies could continue to increase sales, retain loyal customers, create innovations, and generate greater income. Those factors […]
Business Strategy - Januari 7, 2022
Memahami Analisis SWOT Perusahaan untuk Merancang Strategi Terbaik
Ketika mengembangkan sebuah usaha, analisis SWOT perusahaan dapat membantu Anda merancang strategi. Jenis analisis tersebut sekilas tampak sederhana, tetapi setiap aspeknya perlu Anda perhatikan sebaik mungkin agar strategi yang dihasilkan sesuai usaha yang dirintis. Dalam artikel ini, Anda akan mempelajari lebih dalam tentang analisis SWOT, mencakup manfaat, faktor-faktor pembentuk, hingga kiat untuk membangunnya. Pengertian analisis […]